Our latest press releases.
Cape Town Central City gears up for the festive season
Judging by the lines of cars snaking into the Cape Town CBD, the festive season is in full swing, and the Cape Town Central…
Coworkers of the world, unite!
From aspirational young adults challenging society’s perceptions to trailblazing techies breaking boundaries and creatives…
CCID’s third annual Residential Survey shines spotlight on inner-city living trends
According to the latest Online Residential Survey conducted by the Cape Town Central City Improvement District (CCID), the…
City improves pedestrian safety with bump-outs in the CBD
The City of Cape Town’s Mayoral Committee Member: Transport for Cape Town, Councillor Brett Herron, today conducted a site…
Giving back, one fun task at a time
In a country where there’s desperate poverty all around, it’s all too easy to slip into a state of “charity fatigue” when…
How to get hitched in chic city style
When most people dream about tying the knot in the Western Cape, thoughts invariably drift to two things: nuptials in a…
Building partnerships to help the homeless
There is no easy fix to help the homeless on the streets of our CBDs. As we approach International Homeless Day on 10…
How to stay safe in the city at night
When it comes to your personal safety in a busy urban area, a little knowledge goes a long way. So says the Cape Town…
CCID hosts third annual business breakfast
Much has been written in the media over the past year about the success of the Cape Town CBD, according to Rob Kane,…
Touchstone House to be completed in October 2015
Touchstone House has topped out at 15 floors above Bree Street, according to Craig Armstrong, regional director of developer…
Cape Town CBD residents turn to hotels as a lifestyle option
Along with the usual sectional title residential living that has blossomed in apartment blocks in the Cape Town CBD over the…
Meeting the downtown demand for the right kind of residential
With the recent steep update of residential units in the Cape Town CBD, the question now is how to meet the demand for new…
CCID AGM highlights business opportunities in the Cape Town CBD
Retail business in the Cape Town CBD is reporting a steady stabilisation in terms of confidence and economic performances,…
MyCiTi service links passengers with Table Mountain
The MyCiTi Table Mountain service (route 110) was introduced to provide a high quality public transport service to Table…
City libraries launch a first in Africa: mobile Encyclopaedia Britannica access
The City’s Library and Information Services department will spend approximately R2 million on the renewal of the…
Revised traffic congestion alleviation plan
The City’s Transport for Cape Town (TCT) division is undertaking a major project to review and improve traffic signal timing…
From homelessness to self-sufficiency is the aim
The Cape winter can be merciless for even the toughest Capetonians, but for people living on the streets, it makes their…
Cape Town CBD Foreshore set to revitalise
The face of Cape Town’s CBD is set to change substantially in the next three to six years, with much of the development…
Latest The State of Cape Town Central City Report launches
The latest edition of the Cape Town Central City Improvement District’s (CCID) investment guide to the Cape Town CBD was…
Statement by CCID on Sky Night Club incident
Following various enquires received, the CCID confirms that its own officers who were present at the scene of the Sky Night…
CCID launches joint Stay safe and Show you care campaign
A new campaign launched by the Cape Town Central City Improvement District (CCID) combines two key messages on how to stay…
CCID and Taj Cape Town step up for World Homeless Day
The CCID and Taj Cape Town joint forces last week with Youth Solutions Africa and other NGOs who assist people in the CBD in…
Cape Town CBD high-end retail poised for growth
Boasting 60% of Africa’s millionaires, South Africa is the only country on the continent with a developed luxury sector.…
Innovative new urban management projects ensure world-class Cape Town CBD
People who visit, live and work here believe that the Cape Town CBD is the cleanest CBD in the country. This was confirmed…
CCID stakeholder statement on officers’ strike
We regret to advise you that the CCID’s service provider, Iliso Protection Services, received a strike notice late on Friday…