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City encourages recycling SMMEs to attend information session

by City of Cape Town 2 Mar 2023
City of Cape Town

Small to medium enterprises (SMMEs) in the recycling and waste minimisation sector have the opportunity to attend an information sharing session facilitated by the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Waste Management, Alderman Grant Twigg, on Friday, 10 March 2023. The event intends to facilitate support for these businesses via the new Extended Producer Responsibility regulations. 

In terms of new Extended Producer Responsibility legislation, producers of paper and packaging waste, electronic waste and lighting waste have, by law, had to take more responsibility for recycling the waste they produce. A number of Producer Responsibility Organisations (PROs) have been set up to facilitate recycling or other projects on behalf of these industries to offset their waste burden. Some PROs are using funding from these industries to strengthen, support and partner with existing recycling initiatives.  

Various PROs have been invited to engage with businesses at the event, and showcase the assistance and support they can offer.

The session is scheduled from 09:00 to 14:00 on Friday, 10 March 2023, at the Parow Civic Centre in Tallent Street. 

Places are limited and those interested in attending should please RSVP to Priscilla Booysen at or Magnus De Jongh at

‘There is a lot of potential to uplift residents by incorporating small to medium businesses into our efforts to reduce waste. Going forward the City will look to play an active role in facilitating networking and partnerships between the small businesses and PROs to progressively reduce our society’s waste burden, and create jobs in the process,’ said Alderman Grant Twigg, Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Waste Management.


Issued by: Media Office, City of Cape Town

Media enquiries: Alderman Grant Twigg, Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Waste Management, City of Cape Town, Cell: 072 171 1033, Email: (please always copy